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Backing up to DVD with Linux

I've been looking for a good backup solution on linux for quite a while now. I've looked at (perhaps too briefly) backup2l, bacula and amanda. While these are all good, well written programs that support full and incremental backups nicely, there's something I feel is missing... I like to backup my stuff onto DVDs (used to be CDs...) I know DVDs aren't the best media for archiving data onto, but it sure is convenient. Everybody has a DVD or CD burner. Most people don't have tape drives, and buying an extra set of hard drives to back stuff onto isn't possible for me, or many other people I expect. The problem is that with all of the programs I've looked at, it wants to do a 'full' backup, or it wants to do an 'incremental' backup. It can't do both. So, as a result, one day I need 10 DVDs for the 'full' backup, and the next day I need 1/10 of a DVD for the incremental. The first is inconvenient and time consuming, the second is wasteful. What I'd really like is a system that filled up one DVD with data. Always. Every time I run it, it fills up exactly one DVD. It should first backup new files, or files that have changed recently. Then it should start backing up files that haven't changed, in order of age since the last time they were backed up. If there is too much new data to fit on one DVD then I should get a warning. If, on average, 95% of a DVD is taken up with new data and it's going to take 10 years to get around to backing up all of the unchanging files, then I should get a warning. Then I can pop in another DVD :) The system should also keep indexes of what files are backed up onto which discs, and make it relatively simple to restore files. It should also be able to do backups over a network. Just for fun you could throw in parity data for the backup archives to make it possible to recover from small media damage. So if anybody out there knows of software that does this, drop me a line :) Otherwise I'm tempted to try writing it myself...
