Mel, her cousin Maby and I volunteered for this year's
Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk in Toronto. My sister-in-law, Natalia, was doing the walk so we figured that a great way to support her would be to help her fundraise and to volunteer at the actual event. Mel and Maby volunteered in food services, and I volunteered to drive a sweep van. I think I got the easier job :)
All in all it was a great weekend. I met lots of great people, and witnessed the incredible power of the human spirit. For those who don't know, participants in the event must raise at least $2,000 (CDN) and walk 60km over the course of a weekend. Young and old, men and women, able and disabled all were there walking to support this cause. In the end, over $14.7 million dollars were raised for breast cancer research! Good job everyone! I'm defintely participating again next year, whether it be as a walker or a volunteer.