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2016 RelEng Retrospective

As 2016 winds down, I wanted to take some time to highlight all the work our Release Engineering team has done this year. Personally, I really enjoy writing these retrospective posts. I think it's good to spend some time remembering how far we've come in a year. It's really easy to forget what you did last month, and 6 months ago seems like ancient history!


We added four people to our team this year!

Aki (:aki) re-joined us in January and has been working hard on developing a security model for Taskcluster for sensitive tasks like signing and publishing binaries.

Rok (:garbas) started in February and has been working on modernizing our web application framework development and deployment processes.

Johan (:jlorenzo) started in August and has been improving our release automation, Balrog, and automatically publishing Android builds to the Google Play Store.

Simon (:sfraser) started in October and has been improving monitoring of our production systems, as well as getting his feet wet with our partial update generation system.


This year we released 104 desktop versions of Firefox, and 58 android versions (including Beta, Release and ESR branches).

5 of those releases were just in the week prior to our all hands meeting in Hawaii!

Several other releases this year were special for particular reasons, and required special efforts on our part. We continued to provide SHA-1 signed installers for Windows XP users. We also produced a special 47.0.2 release in order to try and rescue users stuck on 47. We've never shipped a point release for a previous release branch before! We've also generated partial updates to try and help users on 43.0.1 and 47.0.2 get faster updates to the latest version of Firefox.

Release promotion

We couldn't have shipped so many releases so quickly last week if it weren't for release promotion. Previous to Firefox 46, our release process would generate completely new builds after CI was finished. This wasted a lot of time, and also meant we weren't shipping the exact binaries we had tested. Today, we ship the same builds that CI has generated and tested. This saves a ton of time (up to 8 hours!), and gives us a lot more confidence in the quality of the release.

This is one of those major kinds of changes that really transforms how we approach doing releases. I can't really remember what it was like doing releases prior to release promotion!

We also added support in Shipit to allow starting a release before all the en-US builds are done. This lets our Release Management team kick off a release early, assuming all the builds pass. It saves a person having to wait around watching Treeherder for the coveted green builds.

Windows in AWS

This year we completed our migration to AWS for Windows builds. 100% of our Windows builds are now done in AWS. This means that we now have a much faster and more scalable Windows build platform.

In addition, we also migrated most of the Windows 7 unittests to run in AWS. Previously these were running on dedicated hardware in our datacentre. By moving these tests to AWS, we again get a much more scalable test platform, but we also freed up hardware capacity for other test platforms (e.g. Windows XP).


One of our major focus areas this year was migrating our infrastructure from Buildbot to Taskcluster. As of today, we have:

  • Fully migrated Linux64 and Android debug builds and tests

  • Builds for all other platforms operating as Tier2

  • Linux64 and Android nightly builds, l10n repacks and updates operating as Tier2

  • Tons of security design & implementation work


Scheduled Changes in Balrog means that now we can have machines set background update rate to 0% 24 hours after release, instead of having a human do it.

Balrog itself was migrated from our datacentre in SCL3 into AWS. We now have a much more flexible deployment pipeline.

Balrog has also been one of our best projects for getting volunteer contributions! Many of the work done this year was done by contributors!


Being able to shut off old, crufty and deprecated stuff is an important part of staying agile. This year we were finally able to develop an end of life plan for Windows XP. In addition, we discontinued support for OSX 10.6-10.8, systems without SSE2, and 32-bit OSX systems. Not having to support these old platforms simplifies managing our infrastructure, and also makes product development easier.

We also shut down all the panda mobile testing infrastructure and legacy vcs-sync.

What's next?

2017 is looking like it's going to be another interesting (and busy!) year for RelEng.

Our top priority is to finish the migration to Taskcluster. Hopefully by the end of 2017, the only thing left on buildbot will be the ESR52 branch. This will require some big changes to our release automation, especially for Fennec.

We're also planning to provide some automated processes to assist with the rest of the release process. Releases still involve a lot of human to human handoffs, and places where humans are responsible for triggering automation. We'd like to provide a platform to be able to manage these handoffs more reliably, and allow different pieces of automation to coordinate more effectively.
