LoTR quiz
And just to prove how much of a geek I really am....
To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
And just to prove how much of a geek I really am....
To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
I've been looking for a good backup solution on linux for quite a while now. I've looked at (perhaps too briefly) backup2l, bacula and amanda. While these are all good, well written programs that support full and incremental backups nicely, there's something I feel is missing... I like to backup my stuff onto DVDs (used to be CDs...) I know DVDs aren't the best media for archiving data onto, but it sure is convenient. Everybody has a DVD or CD burner. Most people don't have tape drives, and buying an extra set of hard drives to back stuff onto isn't possible for me, or many other people I expect. The problem is that with all of the programs I've looked at, it wants to do a 'full' backup, or it wants to do an 'incremental' backup. It can't do both. So, as a result, one day I need 10 DVDs for the 'full' backup, and the next day I need 1/10 of a DVD for the incremental. The first is inconvenient and time consuming, the second is wasteful. What I'd really like is a system that filled up one DVD with data. Always. Every time I run it, it fills up exactly one DVD. It should first backup new files, or files that have changed recently. Then it should start backing up files that haven't changed, in order of age since the last time they were backed up. If there is too much new data to fit on one DVD then I should get a warning. If, on average, 95% of a DVD is taken up with new data and it's going to take 10 years to get around to backing up all of the unchanging files, then I should get a warning. Then I can pop in another DVD :) The system should also keep indexes of what files are backed up onto which discs, and make it relatively simple to restore files. It should also be able to do backups over a network. Just for fun you could throw in parity data for the backup archives to make it possible to recover from small media damage. So if anybody out there knows of software that does this, drop me a line :) Otherwise I'm tempted to try writing it myself...
A recent column by Slinger in the Toronto Star has me a bit upset. It's not so much that his column is completely uninformed, it's the open hostility towards the Catholic Church that offends me. Is Mr. Slinger really concerned if Paul Martin is excommunicated? How does it affect him? Does Mr. Slinger know what it means to be refused communion, or to be excommunicated? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he's concerned for Paul Martin's status within his church. Then we must ask Mr. Slinger, what is wrong with the actions he claims that the Church is considering? What the Church is saying is that a person's actions should be consistent with his beliefs. Sounds reasonable to me; anything less is hypocritical. Members of public office, like Paul Martin, since they are visible members of the community and are in leadership roles, need to strive towards setting a good example. When Paul Martin states that he is a devout Catholic, yet supports legislation that is clearly against the teachings of the Catholic Church, his actions are not consistent with his professed beliefs. And because his actions are much more public than my actions, for example, the consequences of those actions must also be more public. If the Catholic Church decides that public officials should be refused communion if they publically, repeatedly, and persistently support legislation that is contrary to the teachings of the Church, then this is well within the Church's right. Paul Martin's human rights are not being violated. He has the free choice to decide to support unethical legislation and the Church has the free choice to discipline him for that choice. All's fair in news and war now; apparently you don't need to do your research before doing either one.
I was really impressed with the 20 minute wiki demo using TurboGears , so I spent a little bit of time today trying to get it running on my laptop, which is running Debian (sid). While I really like the motivation behind EasyInstall / setuptools / eggs, the implementation isn't quite there yet...
I spent quite a bit of time fighting with it since I didn't want to install these packages into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages. My first thought was to install this stuff into my home directory somehow...Well, I never figured out if that was possible...It seems that python doesn't look at .pth files outside of certain directories, resulting in errors like this when trying to run turbogears-admin:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/catlee/python2.4/site-packages/turbogears-admin.py", line 4, in ?
import pkg_resources
ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
So, the way I got it working was to give myself write permissions on /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages, create ~/.pydistutils.cfg with this:
and then run the ez_setup.py bootstrap script to install TurboGears. Everything seems to work for now....
I just saw a link to the Python Challenge from Guyon Moree's blog Don't know if I'm going to get a lot of work done today now :)
I finally got around to watching Shaolin Soccer. It tells the story of an old man, a soccer star in his younger days, and a young kung-fu master who is trying to show people how kung-fu is great for everyday life. They team up together to form a kung-fu soccer team, and take over the world!!!! Ok, so they don't take over the world, but the story is pretty funny. Watch it.
Melissa and I bought a house last week! It's in Georgetown, and you can find out more information here: Cachet Hills in Georgetown. We've been interested in this builder for a while now, and when we went to see the location in Georgetown we fell in love with the location and the house. The closing date isn't until September 2006, so we have plenty of time to prepare. I can't wait! Right now 16 months seems like an eternity.