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poster 0.4 released

I'm happy to announce the release of poster version 0.4. This is a bug fix release, which fixes problems when trying to use poster over a secure connection (with https). I've also reworked some of the code so that it can hopefully work with python 2.4. It passes all the unit tests that I have under python 2.4 now, but since I don't normally use python 2.4, I'd be interested to hear other people's experience using it. One of the things that I love about working on poster, and about open source software in general, is hearing from users all over the world who have found it helpful in some way. It's always encouraging to hear about how poster is being used, so thank you to all who have e-mailed me! poster can be downloaded from my website, or from the cheeseshop. As always, bug reports, comments, and questions are always welcome.